Formatbeschreibung: AVS-UCD1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 Das UCD-Format (Unstructured Cell Data) ist ein allgemeines Datenformat für Finite Elemente Gitter das in den Visulaierungsprogrammen der Firma AVS (Advanced Visual Systems) verwendet wird. Die folgende Formatbeschreibung in englischer Sprache wurde einer AVS-Dokumentation entnommen. Von den im AVS-UCD-Format unterstützten Elementtypen (cell-type) werden in Rismo2D die ein- und zweidimensionale Elemente (line, tri und quad) unterstützt. |
A) Description of Format Unstructured Cell Data (UCD) is commonly used in structural analysis and computational fluid dynamics. A UCD data structure consists of an irregular coordinate structure (or "model") made up of cells. Cells may be points, lines, quadrilaterals, triangles, tetrahedrons, pyramids, prisms, or hexahedrons. Each cell has a corresponding number of nodes. Data can be associated with the entire structure, with each cell, and with each node. The data is structured as a set of components. each component can be either a scalar or a vector. 1. Numbers defining the overall structure, including the number of nodes, the number of cells, and the length of the vector of data associated with the nodes, cells, and the model. 2. For each node, its node-id and the coordinates of that node in space. Node-ids must be integers, but any number including non-sequential numbers can be used. Mid-edge nodes are treated like any other node. 3. For each cell: its cell-id, material, type (hex, prism, pyr, tet, quad, tri, line, pt), and the list of node-ids that correspond to each of the cell's verticies. (The UCD appendix shows the order in which cell verticies are numbered.) 4. For the data vector associated with nodes, how many components that vector is divided into (e.g., a vector of 5 floating point numbers may be treated as 3 components: a scalar, a vector of 3, and another scalar, which would be specified as 3 1 3 1). 5. For each node data component, a component label/unit label pair, sepa-rated by a comma. 6. For each node, the vector of data values associated with it. That is the end of the node definitions. Cell-based data descriptions, if present, then follow in the same order and format as items 4, 5, and 6.
B) Cells, Nodes and Mid-edge Nodes
The UCD data structure has eight different cell types. In figure each of the cell types is pictured, with its nodes and mid-edge nodes correctly labeled.
C) Sample UCD File The following is an example of a simple UCD file. This UCD structure has 8 nodes in 1 hexahedral cell. Associated with each node is a single scalar data value, making up one component that this person labels "stress," and specifies a "lb/in**2" unit label. There is no cell- or model-based data. See the "Unstructured Cell Data" appendix in the Developer's Guide for more examples.